Sunday 18 July 2010

Refurbishing an old Computer Chair!

 NewI have owned an old computer chair for the last 20+ years which had almost got to the end of its useful life because the cover was torn and very tatty.

Also my wife was starting to make those wifely noises suggesting I should start thinking about a visit to the local tip (refuse site), so...not wishing to waste money I suggested we combine our expertise...first of all by undoing 4 x bolts on the underside of the seat pad and then me poking out the staples which attached the old fabric using a convenient pointy thing..


 and my helper removing about 200 staples and the remaining bits of old fabric.

Soon after (about 2 x hours) which involved us both removing sweatshirts because of heat which we had generated we were ready to try a new piece of fabric. A rather jaunty stripey number. The fabric was placed upside down along with the upturned seat pad. This was centred as best we could.and the stapling process started. 

First the fabric on the sides was pulled tight and stapled, and then the front and back

The almost finished and recovered seat now required trimming..

Finally...the finished seatpad. (Back support done in the same way).

...and the finished chair

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